The Nose Art of the WWII Navy Patrol Bomber Squadrons

When you pluck ten to twelve young men from the heartland, the cities, and the tiny towns, and put them in a large barebones metal airplane, and tell them to go fly it for hours on end into enemy territory, something happens: a team and a bond is formed. Not just to each other, but also to their planes. Planes they are totally dependent on to keep them safe while in the air, and to get them home alive.

So it is not a big stretch to see how the crews of the WWII Navy Patrol Bomber squadrons would begin to name their planes, and eventually decorate them to make them even more personalized. I can hear them now as they patted the picture before climbing in the plane, “Bring me home safe, Mae!”

The Easy Maid of Squadron VPB-116.

The Easy Maid of Squadron VPB-116.

The “Ladies” of the Pacific Theater Navy Patrol Bomber Squadrons:

Can a warplane be ladylike? Could these big planes with ten guns that could drop thousands of pounds of bombs be like a Lady? I guess it depends on the Lady!

During WWII the Navy flew patrol bombers. They were first B-24 modified Liberators PB4Y-1 and later Privateers PB4Y-2. My Dad’s squadron, the 116th nicknamed “The Blue Raiders” was one of them using these workhorses of the sky. Not only did they patrol for downed airmen, they would bomb any target that got in the way of future operations in the Pacific. This meant they were on the front lines, island hopping, always pushing forward, and with each mission, they were always in harms way.

One of the islands that was captured by Americans was Tinian, part of the Marianas. It became a major airstrip for the B-29 bombers and the Navy’s Patrol Bombers. With all this traffic and the need for an infrastructure to maintain the planes, the island also became a place for aircrews to relax and rest. That also meant where the crews could come to get their planes decorated.

The Pacific theater proved to be a tough battle with great losses of life and horrible personal challenges. The young men sent there to fight faced death everyday. They hung onto every bit of faith, luck, and hope to get them through. One very obvious display of that faith/luck/hope was painting nose art onto their planes. This practice is not unique. Warriors have been adorning their war wagons and ships going back centuries in order to please the gods into giving them a safe journey. They also decorated them to bring them luck, and to give their ship a spirit. The vessels of the early Greeks and the Vikings are good examples. This practice continued on into the 1800s with sailing ships having carved figureheads.

The Navy Patrol Bomber crews coming to Tinian were no different than those ancient warriors. One of the first things they did upon arrival was to pool their money to have their planes painted. More often than not they chose a sassy and sexy female subject inspired from a calendar pin-up picture, comic strip, or a girlfriend. Just like the vessels of old, now their plane had a name and a personality. She would take them into battle and she would bring them home if she could. And other crews could immediately know who they were by the Lady on the front of their plane. The nose art united them and picked up their spirits, both desperately needed in such a stressful time.

One of the artists who painted most of the planes in my Dad’s squadron was a young man brought to Tinian to work on the instrumentations of the planes. By bringing him and the other technicians to the airstrip, it allowed for a faster turn around to get the planes up and on mission than before, when the broken instruments had to be sent back to Pearl Harbor. His name was Hal Olsen. Choosing to bring his art supplies to war rather than the usual whiskey and cigars would prove to be lucky for him and many aircrews. When word got out he was willing to do nose art, he quickly was in high demand.

Hal Olsen’s going rate was 50 dollars a plane. If the men didn’t have enough money, he accepted liquor which he turned around and sold to the Seabees. He painted (standing on an oil can) from first light to before his Navy shift started at noon. He was always busy and especially so when a new squadron of PB4Ys arrived on the island. He would have crews ten deep waiting for him.

Hal made a steady side income with most of his work being for the PB4Y-1 and PB4Y-2 squadrons (VPB-102, 108, 116, 121). “The Blue Raiders” VPB 116 carried several of his designs into war, with names like “Easy Maid”, “Call House Madame”, “Cover Girl”, “Miss Sea-Ducer”, “Peace Feeler”, and “Sleepytime Gal”. Hal made five thousand dollars which he turned into a nice honeymoon and art school after the war. The website “” posted on July 20, 2010 a list of the Privateer PB4Y-2 planes he remembered painting. It lists 40 of them. He states he painted about 100 planes total.

Ronald R. Sathre wrote in the newsletter “Briefing/Fall 1992: Tail Chaser” about the 1992 PB4Y All Squadron Reunion. Seems Joe Palsha, an original member of the “Easy Maid” that flew missions from Iwo Jima, recalled his crew of their PB4Y-1 Liberator gave Hal seventy-five dollars to paint their plane. Maybe that extra twenty- five dollars paid off? His plane survived the war and it was brought back to the states. Though the plane was eventually scrapped, thankfully the nose art was saved and now lives at the American Air Power Heritage Museum. There are three photos of this plane in my Dad’s photo collection. He never told me which planes he flew in, leaving me to wonder.

#38923, PB4Y-1, Squadron VPB-116 , painted by Hal Olsen

#38923, PB4Y-1, Squadron VPB-116 , painted by Hal Olsen

"Easy Maid" seemed to be a favorite of many.

“Easy Maid” seemed to be a favorite of many.

When I take my Dad’s photos and compare them against Hal Olsen’s recalled list of planes painted, and then the detailed list of squadrons in Alan C. Carey’s book “Above an Angry Sea: United States Navy B-24 Liberator and PB4Y-2 Privateer Operations in the Pacific October 1944-August 1945” interesting histories about the planes unfold, some sadder than others.


#90482, PB4Y-1, Squadron VPB-116, lost 6/29/45. Painted by Hal Olsen




Smiles Frozen in Time

Sexy nose art was not something the Navy was keen on. In the beginning of the war all nose art was banned. That was relaxed when it was apparent it was a good morale booster. At first names were just added. Then possibly a cartoon character.

Photo taken before leaving the states for the Pacific.

Photo taken before leaving the states for the Pacific.


Some early planes were painted with cartoon characters.

Some early planes were painted with cartoon characters.

The paintings began to evolve to something a bit more “colorful” the further the crews were from censoring commanders. If there was an inspection, many crews would smudge mud or use water based paints to cover their “Ladies”. Once left alone, the bathing suits were washed off.

#59501 PB4Y-2, Squadron VPB-109. Artist Hal Olsen

#59501 PB4Y-2, Squadron VPB-109. Artist Hal Olsen

#59379, PB4Y-2, Squadron VPB-106, Artist unknown at this time

#59379, PB4Y-2, Squadron VPB-106, Artist unknown at this time.

#59448, PB4Y-2, Squadron VPB-118, Artist Hal Olsen.

#59448, PB4Y-2, Squadron VPB-118, Artist Hal Olsen.

When I look at these old photos from my Dad’s collection, and those photos you will find on line, I see handsome young men smiling or goofing around next to their plane’s sexy nose art: Normal behavior for eighteen to twenty-five year old young males. We shouldn’t be offended by the nudity. We should only see normal young men placed in an un-normal extraordinary circumstance coping and expressing a rare smile. They are showing joy and thankfulness to the plane that has kept them and their friends alive. They gave her a name and a “face” so they could call out to her, pat her for luck before their mission started, and thank her for getting them home. Paint magically transformed her into THEIR gal then and for all time.

Atwood..very happy one of those “Gals” brought my Dad home safe.


I hope you will learn more about this very special art on these very special planes that carried many brave young men into battle. The WWII Veterans are leaving us quickly with most being in their late eighties and nineties of age. Please take time to hear their stories.


The above photos are all from my Father’s personal collection.

This article is copyright © Atwood/N.A.M. 2016, 2020. All content and images are copyrighted unless otherwise noted. Please do not use in any form without request of author. Links to our articles, short quotes with credit, and associated links are allowed.


Update 3/24/2018- I would like to thank Vince DiCintio for sharing his “Punkie” photos. As noted with the picture above, “She” was a PB4Y-2 in Squadron VPB-109, painted by Hal Olsen. I enjoy seeing and sharing all these great photos of the brave young men and their amazing planes.

Photo owned and shared by Vince DiCintio of “Punkie”

Photo owned and shared by Vince DiCintio of “Punkie”

Photo owned and shared by Vince DiCintio. Under the wing of a WWII Navy Patrol Bomber

Resources used in this article are;

Recollections by my Father and saved newsletters such as the one mentioned above.

The book “Above an Angry Sea: United States Navy B-24 Liberator and PB4Y-2 Privateer Operations in the Pacific October 1944-August 1945” by Alan C. Carey: Schiffer Military History: Very detailed with several indexes.

The eBook  “WWII: The Golden Age of Nose Art. Up an’Atom” by Hal Olsen: Patriot Media Publishing: A nice quick read of a first hand account during wartime. Also includes several of his scenic and non nose art paintings.


For more photos of the planes mentioned, you can go to these links: This is a great site presderving the history of the Patrol Bomber Crew VPB-118. It includes the crews of “Modest O’Miss” and “Flying Tail ?”, plus some photos of the planes lined up on the tarmac at Tinian. You can also find links to other planes painted by Hal Olsen with such fun names as “Miss Lottatail” and “Navy’s Torchy Tess”. The link for “Miss Behavin” contains some great photos and a most moving letter from the Pilot to the mother of a wounded crewmember

An article in “” about Hal Olsen has a few vintage photos of his work, including a photo of Hal. Planes shown are “Green Cherries”, “Lady Luck II”, “Accentuate the Positive” and “Gear Down and Locked” before she was shot down.

Another nice article about Hall Olsen can be found at :

If you want to know more about the Patrol Bomber Squadrons and Planes, please start with my article “The Blue Raiders”.

Please check our Facebook page for additional information or photos.

11 thoughts on “The Nose Art of the WWII Navy Patrol Bomber Squadrons


    My father was the pilot of (Miss Lottatail). VPB109 Fred Beckmann. Dont recognize any photos but I have many he took while in the Pacific.

  2. Bob

    My grandfather Frank (Pete) Chiavetta flew in Easy Maid as well. We have a few photos of him in front of the plane. Very cool article, thanks for sharing.

    1. Maplewood Press Post author

      Thank you! I am glad you found the article. It is great hearing who flew on Easy Maid. So glad you have pictures. She sounded like a favorite for many, not just those who were part of her crew.

  3. Panela Fitts

    My father is in front of the Easy Maid in your picture 38923. He died in 1987. My mother had said he had the distinquised flying cross, but someone had told her it wasn’t in an internet list. She died in 2013. Going through old pictures, I found that he had earned the dsc and the air medal. THANKS FOR YOUR RESEARCH! My father was Julius Williamson.

  4. Brian A C.

    My dad is the guy on the right in the “FOCAL YOKEL” photo, Leon Christiansen AMM3/c. I have the same photo and several others of him and his crew mates. He was with VPB-116 on Tinian and Iwo Jima. I did not know that photo was taken in the states as the caption says. I’m putting together a little history of his time in the Navy. Any specific info you might have relative to his time serving (1945) would be appreciated. I have read A. Carey’s “Above and Angry Sea” and I will read your Blue Raider article.

    1. Maplewood Press Post author

      Hi Brian…can you be more specific which of the crewman is your Dad. I will add his name. Do you recognize him in any of the other pictures? That is interesting your Dad has the same photo. I wonder if he and my Dad were friends or flew together on the same plane. I’m sorry I don’t have any other information besides what is in the articles. My Dad never really talked about his service. Good luck with your history. We need to keep these brave men’s stories alive for future generations.

      1. Brian A Christiansen

        He is the guy on the far right in the FOKEL YOKEL photo you posted. I don’t see him in any of the other photos you have. I have other photos of him and that plane. I believe the FOKEL YOKEL was the plane he used in training at Jacksonville FL so I doubt that the other guys in that photo were in his actual crew in the South Pacific. He was in Crew 8 of VPB-116 with Lt. Icke. I have that crew photo with all their names if you would like to see it. (Send me instructions on how to send it to you.) May be you can identify your dad. My dad never talked about his experiences over there either, but I have his letters home, some photos and his log book. I have finished my research and would be happy to send you a copy if you’d like.
        BTW I have a photo of him next to Miss Sea-Ducer if you’re interested.

  5. Ron S

    Great work. Thanks for your good efforts.

    I put on the Annual PB4Y All Squadron Reunions from ’91 to ’20. I have a picture of me, Keith Young, VPB-117, who flew “Easy Maid” back to the states and Joe Palsha, VPB-116, who flew in this PB4Y-1 Liberator, at our second reunion in Orlando, FL, ’92. These men did a great job in the PTO.

    My dad, Ray, was a CPO in VPB-121 and flew with PPC George Charno in “Mr. Kipp”, named after his son. I started the PB4Y Reunions in ’91 to honor my dad , died 1989, and the other “airdales”. We had a great time for ten years!

    1. Maplewood Press Post author

      Thank you so much for your comments. That is wonderful that you flew the “Easy Maid”. My Dad talked about that plane. And thank you for having those reunions. My Dad saved all the news and had hoped to attend but getting on a plane again was something he never wanted to do after the war. Please share any information you would like. There is so little out there.


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