Atwood’s Artful Artifacts 3 : Gloucester’s Fishermen Memorial, Then and Now
My Dad handed me my first camera when I was a kid. I was smitten with the hobby from the start! We had many fun years together taking photos. Thanks Dad!
To honor him, I have been looking at some of his old slides and photos and have attempted to recreate them. This weekend I went to one of his favorite places he loved to photograph- the Gloucester/Rockport, MA area. Being a WWII Navy Veteran, the Fishermen’s Memorial had special meaning to him.
Let’s see how its changed over the years!
THEN: Photos by my Dad.
What I find fun about the photos- check out the houses and the cars in the background to see how much they have changed.
If you can, do go and stop and pause to look at the Memorial. It remains very moving.
May all our men and women who make a living on the seas remain safe!